06 January 2012

Honors Tutorial Commences January 21

English Language and Composition–Classical Writing Approach

This tutorial presents advanced argumentative and analytic writing as well as study of kairos, the Artistic Appeals, and the Five Canons of Rhetoric. Our text is Everyday Use (second edition) by Hephzibah C. Roskelly and David A. Jolliffe. We compose six papers over thirteen weeks in a variety of modes that correspond to the writing one might find on a College Board examination. We examine others’ and our own work to root out fallacious logic, and we review grammar, punctuation, and word choice.

Emphases: Thoughtful reading; analytic and persuasive writing; exam preparation

Start Date: January 21, 2012

End Date: May 5, 2012

Meets Live: Thursdays and Saturdays, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time for approximately fifty-eight tutorial hours, with no class meetings on February 18 (Presidents' Day weekend) and April 5 and 7 (Holy Week). The classes are recorded for viewing and listening outside of class time.

Evaluation: Weekly quizzes, six short papers

Text List: Everyday Use - Roskelly and Jolliffe and King Lear - Shakespeare

Target Age: Sixteen and up

Prerequisite: Reading at the twelfth grade level, English fluency

Class Fee: $650.00 for academic students (includes books), limit twelve students.  Be sure to check our scholarships.